Thursday, April 17, 2008

Sustainability summit: Sorry folks, summit’s been postponed


By Ben Holbrook
Managing Editor

Due to scheduling conflicts the sustainability summit has been postponed until next year which may work out better.

The sustainability summit which was planned for earth week this semester had to be postponed because the other VSC schools involved were on vacations during the planned event. The sustainability summit was proposed by John Maciel, SGA president, because sustainability is becoming an important issue across many campuses, Maciel said. A number of schools have already taken steps to improve their sustainability, Maciel said.

The proposed date for the summit to be held next year would be in late October, which may be more appropriate since the summit won’t conflict with other events, Maciel said.

The summit itself would consist of a series of presentations on ways to improve your campuses sustainability and a discussion for participants to talk about ways they think they can improve their campuses. Most of the presentations are already set up even though the event has been postponed.

Having more time to plan the summit will improve the quality of the event and possibly allow for more presentations, Maciel said. Maciel is also hoping that the other Vermont colleges will be able to provide funding to offset the cost of the summit.

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