Friday, December 5, 2008

SGA Rundown-End of the Semester

Ben Holbrook
Critic Editor

WWLR nearly losing their voting rights and having their budget frozen wasn’t the only issue dealt with during Wednesday night’s meeting.

Tom Archer was invited to speak during the meeting, which gave club representatives the chance to ask questions and pose problems around campus. Some of the issues discussed were the Stonehenge parking lots, replacing windows in the residence halls and continuing to update the Stonehenge residence halls. Archer said that the parking lots in Stonehenge are a problem that the school is trying to address however, since the school’s budget is so tight right now, the parking lots probably won’t be worked on until the summer.

J.C. Norling, the new adventure based recreation professor, gave a presentation about a new website the Outing club is working on. The new website is part of an effort to inform students about all the recreational opportunities available to them. Norling’s presentation also included a proposal to renovate the squash courts into a student activity center which would include a new climbing wall.

The key issue dealt with during the meeting was whether SGA should take action against WWLR for failing to submit registration paperwork by the Nov. 21 noon deadline.
Despite repeated warnings from the executive board, WWLR failed to submit their paperwork. Under the SGA constitution it states,” If a Club Representative fails to maintain a current registration with the Office of Campus Activities, then the SGA Executive Board shall make a recommendation(s) for action to the SGA. This must be passed by two-thirds (2/3) majority in order to take effect.”

After a great deal of discussion three motions were voted on, all of which failed. As a result, WWLR who would have been stripped of voting rights and had their budget frozen until the paper work was submitted and approved, will not face any repercussions.

AWRT and Sigma Zeta made money requests. AWRT requested money to drive to Connecticut to go on a tour at ESPN and possible tour of the NBC 30 station. The club was denied $319.80 to stay overnight at a hotel but they were approved for the money to pay for the mileage. Sigma Zeta and AMS/NWA made a request to pay for expenses for the science fair they host in March. Both clubs were requesting $750 to pay for food which, was reduced to $615.

Ryanne Ayers was approved to receive $250 to help pay for travel expenses to a 28th Annual conference on First-Year experience. Ayers received a fellowship, which only five students in the country are awarded, to help pay for the conference costs.
The meeting concluded with the disbanding of two clubs and the removal of Katie Story, Kathy Klein, Steven Cormier and Kali Stoddar-Imari from their elected representative positions.

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