Thursday, November 6, 2008

Mock debate tickles students

Brian Howe
Special to the Critic

Teachers posing as candidates give a close-to-home debate.

Two faculty members went head to head in a mock presidential debate on Monday in the Alexander Twilight Theatre.

Representing Barack Obama was David Plazek, professor of Political Sciences, and representing John McCain was Alexandre Strokanov, professor of History. The moderator was Micheal Dente, chief technology officer at LSC. A poll was conducted by INT-1020 students; 70 polling cards were collected at the end of the debate. Results from the polling cards showed that 69 percent of the attendees at the debate said Obama would win the debate, while only 20 percent thought McCain would win.

Some of the questions asked of the candidates were issues of gun control, global warming, health care, our current economy and improving international relations. The two candidates had 90 seconds to respond to a question and two minutes for a rebuttal; the rebuttal gave the candidates the opportunity to argue back and forth. Global warming and gun control were issues that had a lot of debate.

At times during the debate it was obvious that Plazek and Strokanov didn't know everything about the candidates and their views.

“We want to make sure that you know that we are debating on our views and opinions of Barack Obama and John McCain”, said Plazek before they started debating.

When it came to global warming 76 percent thought Obama had a better argument. The question on gun control was nearly dead even with 51 perecent saying Obama won, while 49 percent thought McCain had a stronger argument.

“Some questions I might have disagreed with, was single payer universal health care.” said Plazek.. For the most part he(Plazek) agrees with Obama's views and says he will support him.

“No of course not, I don't agree with everything. It was a role first of all and some of the time I do agree with him. But for the most part I disagree with Obama”, said Strokanov who debated for McCain. Strokanov did not disclose who he was going to support this election.

By the end of the debate 70 percent said that Obama had won the debate, while only 20 percent thought McCain won.

Compared to the first question voters didn't change their mind on who they thought was going to win the debate. Only 9 percent said that this debate changed their minds on who they are going to vote for, while 83 percent said they feel the same after the debate.

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