Thursday, September 25, 2008

SGA president has positive outlook

Steven Comier
Special to the Critic

Change and civic commitment to government were words once used only in Washington and in speeches used by major party candidates but Student Government Association is changing that.
Prior to the reorganization of the student government infighting and large turnover rates led to numerous interventions in House and Senate affairs by the two RHD advisers, neither of which were elected.
This year with two new RHD advisors, Stephanie Tyler and Laura McNaughton, and increased stability in the makeup and membership of the executive board, the students will have the opportunity to take control of their government once more.
“It all starts with the organization,” Andrew Chapin, SGA president, said. “We have a really good crew at the top and hopefully it will trickle down.”
Chapin hopes to institute change at LSC while once again making the SGA the mouthpiece of the student body to the administration.
“We weren’t doing a very good job really representing the students to the administration which is our job,” he said.
Chapin showed optimism that increasing the voice of the SGA was possible due to new blood entering the academic equation through LSC newest students.
“We are in a good position to really work on it,” Chapin said. “We have very enthusiastic freshman which is great.”
In committing to change and producing results to student’s wants and needs Chapin is banking on that being the key to reinvigorating interest in SGA activities.
“If we can actually do something,” Chapin said. “If we can fix these little things that annoy them about the school, I think that they will see the power of the Student Government and we’ll see involvement.”
Apathy in SGA affairs is not a new thing to him and not something relegated to LSC Chapin commented while talking of a national SGA conference he attended this past summer.
“At the conference in Villanova there was an entire workshop on SGA apathy. It was one of the biggest workshops there,” Chapin said.

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